
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027. Education, training, youth and sport are key areas that support citizens in their personal and professional development. High quality, inclusive education and training, as well as informal and non-formal learning, ultimately equip young people and participants of all ages with the qualifications and skills needed for their meaningful participation in democratic society, intercultural understanding and successful transition in the labour market. Building on the success
of the programme in the period 2014-2020, Erasmus+ strengthens its efforts to increase the opportunities offered to more participants and to a wider range of organisations, focusing on its qualitative impact and contributing to more inclusive and cohesive, greener and digitally fit societies. The Erasmus+ programme budget for 2021-2027 is €26.2 billion, compared with €14.7 billion for 2014-2020. This will be complemented by about €2.2 billion from the EU’s external instruments. With this increased budget, Erasmus+ will be more inclusive, more digital, and greener.

For actions managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), relevant documents by action will be published on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (F&TP) on 14 April 2021.



The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation, and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship.


The Programme has the following specific objectives:
– promote learning mobility of individuals and groups, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training;
– promote non-formal and informal learning mobility and active participation among young people, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of youth;
– promote learning mobility of sport staff, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policies.



Individuals – students, trainees, apprentices, pupils, adult learners, young people, volunteers, professors, teachers, trainers, youth workers, professionals of organisations active in the fields of education, training and youth constitute the main target population of the Programme. However, the Programme reaches these individuals through organisations, institutions, bodies or groups that organise such activities. The conditions of access to the Programme therefore relate to these two actors: the “participants” (individuals participating in the Programme) and the “participating organisations” (including groups of young people active in youth work but not necessarily in the context of youth organisations, also referred to as informal groups of young people). For both participants and participating organisations, the conditions for participation depend on the country in which they are based.


IET TSUC efforts in promotion and implementation of the Erasmus+ programme


More about Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility projects  


More about Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education projects


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