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Internationalization and Capacity Building Workshop in Tajikistan
The Central Asia University Partnerships Program (UniCEN) successfully conducted the capacity-building workshop in Tajikistan on June 15 and 16, 2023. The goal of the training program was enhancing the internationalization of Tajik Higher Education Instututions (HEIs) and executing international collaborative projects. It also fostered institutional ties and cooperation between HEIs inRead More

Business Opportunities Development
We are glad to have an online meeting with Mrs. Sharon R. Scannell from ODU! On December 22nd in the International Center office we had a presentation by Mrs. Scannell about the business development opportunities. In the beginning of the seminar Director of the IET TSUC – Hoshimzoda Homid HasanRead More

SEC Presentation of the Semester in ODU
Strome Entrepreneurial Center of the Old Dominion University have presented activities of the center during the winter semester 2022. In the presentation a reader can get acquianted about the promotions, performances, business ideas and workshops held in the SEC. Under the project UniCEN authorities of our institute visited the StromeRead More

UniCEN Hosts Sustainability & Grant Writing Workshop for Central Asian University Partners in Uzbekistan
UniCEN is one of the few initatives supporting inter-regional cooperation of the universities throughout the Central Asia. Participating universities come together to tackle common challenges and problems in the region. The IET TSUC among on of the actively participating universities, and has implemented a joint UniCEN project with the OldRead More

Study trip to ODU
In the framework of the UniCEN program developed by American Council for Higher Education representatives of the IET TSUC – the Director of IET TSUC – Hoshimzoda Homid Hasan and the Head of ICGE – Saidqosim Mukhtorov are had a study trip at the Old Dominion University, Norfolk, USA. InRead More

The delegation of the CEES project continues to work at IET TSUC
Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC in Khujand is welcoming guests from the USA. Our institute is pleased to inform you that in the framework of UniCEN developed by the American Council for Higher Education, we are having guests from Old Dominion University (Norfolk, Virginia). First of all, Mr.Read More

UniCEN roundatable virtually in Dushanbe
Deputy director for Science and Foreign Affairs c.e.c., docent Dalerjon Mirpochoev, and the head of the International Relations Department Saidqosim Mukhtorov participating in #UniCEN roundatable virtually in Dushanbe, hosting in Bishkek and organized by American Councils. Roundable dedicated to the cooperation between Academia, government, business and NGOs, particularly in theRead More

Virtual Bootcamp
We started a 3-day Virtual Bootcamp with the Old Dominion University, TMC Institute in Tashkent and the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC in Khujand. The initiative was launched in the framework of the UNICEN project Collaboration for Enhanced Entrepreneurship Support (CEES). We kick off the Virtual Bootcamp withRead More

Achieving significant results in terms of internationalization
The Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC achieved significant results in terms of internationalization. And we are continually developing our international relations. In the last 4 academic years, we have established more than 16 actively working partnerships with the EU universities. Internationalization strategy has become one of the importantRead More

UniCEN project Collaboration for Enhanced Entrepreneurship Support (CEES)
We have started the #UniCEN project Collaboration for Enhanced Entrepreneurship Support (CEES) preparatory activities with our colleagues from Old Dominion University (ODU). On January 27th, 2022 we had the first meeting with ODU’s Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IIE). In the virtual meeting participated Sharon R. Scannell project manager atRead More