International Conference and Pannonian Student Camp in Competition Law
On October 3-5th, 2024 the representatives of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC, the Head of the International Center and Global Engagement Saidqosim Mukhtorov, and two students Firuz Okhunov and Shahriyor Vahobov attended an International Conference and Pannonian Student Camp in Competition Law organized by the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence – SOUTH AND EAST EUROPEAN COMPETITION LAW.

In the conference, there were a lot of academia representatives, experts, and practitioners from the #EU institutions who took part and shared ideas during the conference and discussion panels. Saidqosim Mukhtorov had the privilege to present an overview of the competition law in Tajikistan among the other project member representatives.

Pannonian Student Camp was attended by students whose research papers were considered to be among the best ones and the students of the #IETTSUC Firuz Okhunov and Shahriyor Vahobov were also invited to the Pannonian Camp. During the Camp there were delivered several lectures from the leading experts in the field of competition from the University of Zagreb / Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Sveučilište u Rijeci / University of Rijeka, University of Macao and many other institutions. Our students from Tajikistan participated in this Camp together with other students from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia.

The administration of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC expresses sincere gratitude to our partner Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, especially to the Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence – SOUTH AND EAST EUROPEAN COMPETITION LAW Professor Dubravka Aksamovic for a warm welcome of our delegation and collaboration with us. We believe, even more fruitful collaborations are ahead.