Day 1 of Mozi Workshop Winter Camp in Khujand

In the afternoon of December 13, the delegation from 沈阳师范大学 began their visit to the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC in the framework of #Mozi #Workshop project financed by the Ministry of Education of Lioning Province. The delegation was led by the Dean of the Law Faculty Professor Wang Xuwei and Professor Jin Xing and 6 students from the faculties of law, ecology, foreign languages and international business. The delegation was warmly welcomed by the Vice-Rector on Educational Affairs Associate Professor Mashokirov Shuhratjon and Head of rhe International Center and Global Engagement Saidqosim Mukhtorov in the office of the International Center. On the same day, 3 presentations on “Brief information about the activities of the #IETTSUC, “General information about the Republic of Tajikistan” and “Information about the culture and tourism in the Republic of Tajikistan” were held in Chinese by the teacher of the staff member of the #IETTSUC, Abdulloev Nuriddin. During the presentation there was also a question and answer session. It is worthy to note that presentations were held in the newly established room of the #Mozi #Workshop in Khujand. The Shenyang Normal University delegation got introduced with the activities and facilities of the #Mozi #Workshop in Khujand. Thus the first day of the visit ended, follow us to stay updated!

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