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The peculiarities of Tajik alphabet and sounds
We had a meeting with UNICAC partners in the frame of program on the following topic: Development of Potentials for International Cooperation in Teaching/Learning/Research – 3.7 Pilot Testing: Mobility actions of students and professors. The consortium engaged attendees from the University of Torino (Italy), Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland),Read More

Collaborative lessons under the UNICAC program
On May 12, 2022 the guests from the partner universities of Finland, Italy, Spain and Uzbekistan conducted lessons in English groups of Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC. Professors explained the topics related close to their chosen profession. The student activity could be seen during the lesson and theyRead More

International Mobility at IET TSUC
Mobile activities of professors and students under the ERASMUS + program in the framework of the “UNICAC Project” are continuing. The mobile seminar was attended by teachers, professors, and students from Finland, Spain, Italy, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. On May 10, 2022, the seminar was held on various topics at aRead More

We are continuing our seminar in the framework of the UNICAC project
On May 11, 2022, in the International Relations department held on training activities specified under the ERASMUS+ program on W.P.3.7.2. PILOT TESTING: Mobility actions of students and professors. First,, docent, Ismailova Mutriba, Senior Lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department Zaripova Munavvar, and Head of International Relations Mukhtorov Saidqosim madeRead More

We have started our mobility under the W.P. 3.7.2.
In the framework of the UNICAC project, we have started our mobility under the W.P. 3.7.2. PILOT TESTING: Mobility actions of students and professors – hosting IET TSUC at IET TSUC in Khujand, Tajikistan. On May 9, 2022, there are 20 teachers and students from the partner Universities visited theRead More
Erasmus+ student at the National University of Uzbekistan
Rahmanova Dilnoza a 3rd-year student of the IET TSUC, specialty “Finance and Credit in FEA”, shared her experience as an Erasmus+ student at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek (NUUz). The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is considered to be the first andRead More

Erasmus exchange student at Tashkent University of Information Technologies
Boynazarov Jahongir – student of the 2nd year at IETTSUC, his major “World economy”, Erasmus exchange student at Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi. Learning is a very interesting process that takes up most of your time and attention. In addition, learning shapes the future life path.Read More

Erasmus+ student at the National University of Uzbekistan
Rahmanova Dilnoza a 3rd-year student of the IET TSUC, specialty “Finance and Credit in FEA”, shared her experience as an Erasmus+ student at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek (NUUz). The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is considered to be the first and leadingRead More

UNICAC mobility at the National University of Uzbekistan in Tashkent City
We had an amazing experience of trainings from 18.04.2022 to 24.04.2022 in the National University of Uzbekistan in Tashkent City. The aim of training was to provide the staff of International relationship offices and Foreign Languages Department with managerial expertise and specific skills in thematic areas related to the operativeRead More
International mobility at NUUz, Uzbekistan
Starting from Monday, 18.04.2022 to Saturday, 22.04.2022-23.04.2022 a group of lecturers, members of IRO at the IET TSUC and the students of English groups participated in the UNICAC mobility program training under the supervision of UNICAC program in NUUz, Uzbekistan. The training provided the staff of International relationship offices withRead More